Activated Carbon is a well known adsorbent in revitalizing the natural purity of water by removing organic contaminants. Treatment of water is important so as to avoid many contagious diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice etc. Activated Carbon is widely used all over the world to remove the contaminations in drinking water sources and water logging after rain to tackle the outbreak of several infections. ACPL is committed to provide high grade Activated Carbon for drinking water as well as industrial water treatment.

Activated carbon is a well known adsorbent in removing aromatic compounds including phenol and bis – phenol A(BPA), Chlorinated/halogenated organic compounds, Adsorbable Organic Halogens (AOX), Non – biodegradable organic compounds (COD) and other colour compounds and dyestuffs.

ACPL is manufacturing a wide range of Activated Carbon suitable for removing contamination from industrial waste water. Activated Carbon is considered as the world's best known adsorbent to use in applications such as Process Effluent, Washing Effluent, Ground water Remediation, Mercury Removal etc. Non biodegradable toxic substances or pollutants are adsorbed well by Activated Carbon.

Scope of Applications of AC:

  • Process Effluent
  • Washing Effluent
  • Swimming Pools & Aquariums
  • Mercury Removal
  • Boiler Condensate
  • Groundwater Remediation
  • Pesticides Removal

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Activated Carbon is widely used as the adsorbent in the municipal water treatment plants. Activated Carbon is mainly used for chlorine and organics removal in drinking water treatment applications. Removal of organics from chlorinated potable water is essential to prevent formation of trihalomethanes(THMs) – a class of carcinogens. Activated Carbon is used in point-of-entry(POE) and point-of-use(POU) filters to remove taste, odor and color in drinking water.

Scope of Applications of AC:

  • Municipal Water Treatment Plants
  • POE and POU Filters
  • Desalination Systems

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In certain industries the highest purity water is required to ensure the success of the process. ACPL's Activated Carbon can be used in the manufacturing of Ultra Pure Water.

Scope of Applications of AC:

  • Ultra Pure Water for Electronics Industry

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